
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Sing A Song Of Thanks

It's early morning here and the warm aroma of the turkey that has been slow roasting all night is joining forces with the smell of fresh coffee, bombarding my senses and bringing back memories of so many Thanksgiving mornings when I was a little girl. I have a few moments of quiet time before finishing up the desserts and getting dressed.  Soon the kids and grandkids will begin arriving for our family Thanksgiving dinner and before long the house will be filled with happy voices, giggling (and sometimes arguing) children, and the sounds of football games both in the yard and on the TV.

As I sip my coffee and count off the many things I have to be thankful for today I find myself humming an old hymn we used to sing in church when I was a little girl.

"Count your blessings.
Name them one by one.
Count your blessings.
See what God has done.
Count your blessings.
Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings
See what God has done."

This morning I have too many blessings to count.  I have been blessed beyond measure .. wonderful friends, loving family, and innumerable  answered prayers.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and, whatever your day brings, remember to take time out to sing a song of thanks!

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