
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Just One Thing

It's already the week before Thanksgiving 2017.  This year sure flew by! But I'm ready and excited.  My home is decorated with fall florals, scented pine cones fill containers throughout the house and I've already got most of my Thanksgiving dinner prepped and in the freezer.  Everyone who knows me knows just how much I love Christmas and tease me about playing Christmas music and counting the days until Dave (my sweet hubby of 45+ years) will let me put up our tree. But just because my Christmas spirit can be a little over the top, make no mistake ...

I love Thanksgiving!!

This has been a particularly difficult year.  I've struggled with some serious health issues, surgeries and mounting medical bills.  But I'm on the road to recovery with doctors and therapists telling me I'm progressing faster and better than expected and we've not missed a payment on any of our financial obligations.  We even bought a new car!  So when a friend asked if I had something to be thankful for I was happy to tell her I did, indeed.  However, as I began to mull over how blessed I was in spite of the many difficulties of this past year, I thought of so many who may be feeling that they have nothing to be thankful for.  Those facing loss, illness, or broken relationships sometimes cannot seem to muster up the thankfulness that seems to be expected of us during this season.  I have found myself feeling that way too. So I try to come up with just one thing.  Just one. Have I ever had an answer to prayer?  Oh boy ... that sets off a chain reaction and now my list is endless.

  • I'm thankful that God is faithful ... even when I'm not.
  • I'm thankful for the heritage of faith passed down from generations that gets me through the hard times.
  • I'm thankful for friends and family who love and support me through good times and bad.
  • I'm thankful for lasting friendships that span the miles and the decades of life.
That's just to start. Then I add the many times I've needed someone to talk to and a friend called out of the blue, the times the figures in our checkbook were in single digits but all the bills were paid and the pantry was full, and the list goes on. 

What's on your list today?  Start with just one thing and watch it grow!  


  1. I'm thankful that my daughter in Germany messaged me at 5:30 a.m. Telling me she needed 800 Euros by tomorrow. That's almost $1,000. As of 2 p.m. today she has $700!! God is faithful and always provides!

    1. That's awesome,'Lena! I'm so proud of her. I know she'll have exactly what needs with more to spare.
